sent from above “VOID”

Inspired by Hi This Is Flume, the debut release from sent from above is a fun-funneled experimentation. Having trained his ears to genre bending sound designs, sent from above has a unique way of muddying the familiar influences into something new and translucent. ”VOID” is sensuous and gritty, drastic and intimate.

Hip-hop meets sampling, dipping in the pool of electronics and ethereal synths, being filtered through the inaudible. There’s just something special about the way sent from above creates and manipulates sounds. Each of them is an expression and an art itself. And together weaving into the complete vision of “VOID,” these individual sounds are being put into new perspective.

Stay tuned to sent from above, an exciting new artist on the horizon.


MOTE “Diamond Days”


Beasts Of England “Kill The Joy”