MOTE “Diamond Days”

There’s an urgency and immediacy in “Diamond Days.” A seeking for an escape away from what’s holding one back. Tired, trapped and unsatisfied in the present reality, the heavy-hitting beats are on the verge of taking off. “Diamond Days” poses an eager desire for a better new beginning, but what it’s running away from still gazes down with a pressing haze, charged with goth and post-punk power. It’s everywhere, an atmosphere, an impression, an aesthetic that’s predominant in the track, and the feeling then triggers melancholia and nostalgia that full-heartedly permeates the lyrics and soundscapes.

From the American songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Mote, “Diamond Days” sees a storm of introspective lyrics enveloping you from all directions. Mote charms you away with his dark but eclectic sonic palette. But underneath what’s visible, there’s much energy and angst brewing behind the punchy rhythm. Underneath the gloomy New Wave soundscape, like a scream that is fueling up the song from its very core.

Mote manages to give so much with few words. It’s hard not to fall for his irresistibly moody and introverted sonic world. Sensitive, but not without an edge. Expressive but also impressionistic. It’s all the combination and contradiction of things that make his music so hard to forget.

Punk Head: I love the smash of new wave and goth in "Diamond Days." It's very modern sounding at the same time, nostalgic. Was there a particular sound or image that come to your mind during the creative process?

MOTE: This one kind of came out of nowhere. I often have an idea of blending sounds, but one night chilling in my living room I picked up my guitar and it just fell out of the blue. I wrote the lyrics in a park one afternoon a few days later. There was like a pretty golden sunset happening as the words began to arrive, so I think that had something to do with it.

PH: What do you like the best about this track?

MOTE: I like everything about this song. I think it's my best so far on all levels. My singing, writing, guitar playing, drum programming, all of it was me really trying to get to a new place, an elevated level. I think I achieved that. I think my next shit will be even better too.

PH: What motivates you as an artist?

MOTE: Trying to understand my life. I have had struggles, fears, lows, big highs, like everybody. I want to connect with myself more, my true nature. This world is set up in a way that so often disconnects us from ourselves. Music, writing, and performing, is my best tool to evolve. The more I evolve the more I can connect with other people in a real way, which is also a motivator for me.

PH: Who are your biggest influences?

MOTE: Just the people in my life; my family, my girlfriend, my friends. Musical influences, there are too many, but a few are Bowie, Joy Division, Grimes, Alvvays, Softcult..

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

MOTE: It doesn't matter what they know about me as a person, just that I'm putting everything I have into my music. All of my heart is in it. I want to be who I truly am and I want them to feel like they can too.


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sent from above “VOID”