Beasts Of England “Kill The Joy”
With beastly bellows, Beasts of England barfs out “Kill The Joy,” an exhilarating heavy-hitting headbanger that beats and stirs up the conventional treatment of music. They bring just a right amount of wickedness into the familiar. Turning noise a whole bar up with flashing clangs and teeth-biting rhythm, almost ritualistic in a way.
The pulsing echoes and swirls hitting each clash are somehow awake and unconscious. There’s something wicked that’s going on in “Kill The Joy”—something explosive, dangerous and long suppressed.
“Kill The Joy” marks the debut release from the beastly duo Beasts of England. Between blood-staining punches and hysterical death screams, the Beasts are undeterred and disillusioned. They gaze you with warning.
Be aware, leaders. We’re looking at you now.
The Beasts are out.