Jung On the Making Of “122 bpm”

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

It felt really easy to me to write this song, it was quite a fast songwriting process, as it usually is to me, when something truly inspires me. I'd say it took me like half an hour to write it.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for "122 bpm?"

The challenge I faced I'd say was to combine the 4 languages included. Spanish, German, some English and a bit of Italian.

How do you feel "122 bpm" represents your artistic identity?

I'd say that it's a style of mine that I want to continue pursuing.

As the song is very authentic from my side, I'd say on top, that it's definitely the kind of music I'm going after to write.

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

I've been doing music since 2006/2007. Started writing songs as a teenager back then. I've always enjoyed and loved different styles of music and “122 bpm” is kind of a continuation of that to me, as it includes rap and electronic music elements.

Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you're particularly excited about?

I'm working on an album at the moment. It's still in progress. But I'll be very happy to share more of my music. It's planned to include quite a lot of Spanish lyrics.




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