Feature: Adriana Spuria Decodes “Away”
Can you tell us about the inspiration behind "Away" and the story it tells?
I wrote “Away” in September 2024 after a period of stop in composing music. I started playing my guitar and singing, so the melody and part of the words that now are in the lyrics naturally came out. “Away” tells the desire to escape from a place, from a moment of difficulty, while simultaneously seeking to transcend all dichotomies between right and wrong, between self and other, between good places and bad places. Ultimately, what truly matters is the profound ability to empathize with the aspects of life, tapping into its mystical and sublime power that gives birth to beauty. All these concepts are encapsulated in the lyrics of the song, with a profound emphasis on empathy, expressed in the slogan "Your soul ignites understanding me, my soul ignites understanding you." Then along the journey, we may lose ourselves, reaching a point where right or wrong no longer matter; we simply yearn for an oasis to escape to and rest, saying "Take me away," before embarking on our journey once more with a fresh start where everything will be much better.
Can you talk about the recording and production process for this song?
Born in September 2024, composed, written, performed, and produced by me, the track features Gae Capitano on synthesizers, who also crafted the entire arrangement, Corrado Salemi on acoustic and electric guitar, Biagio Martello on bass, and Giovanni Maucieri on drums. We recorded in different places, I live in Siracusa(Sicily) as Biagio and Giovanni, Gaetano lìves in Torino, and Corrado lives in Milano as a Mix and Mastering engineer. So each one of us worked our part in the proper studio. When they sent me the files that made the project, including my recording files too, I finished the work with the two mix and Mastering engineers. Online of course.
What impact do you hope "Away" will have on your audience?
I hope Emotionally energetic and introspective At the same time.
Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?
I began singing and writing songs at the age of 17. With various bands, I performed covers of various genres across Italy, ranging from jazz to folk, blues to rock, and funk to pop, in fact, to answer your question, my music cultural background ranges in between those different genres since I was a child.
In 2012 I started autoproduction activity and I started to perform my music for l with many acoustic guitar and vocal showcases, but also with bands. I produced my 10 tracks’ first album ‘il mio modo di dirti le cose’ and in 2023 8 tracks second album which is simply called ‘Adriana Spuria,’ The last one contains the tracks "Restless" and "December" in English.
Then I released "La danza della vita" "One night love" and the new upcoming "Away.”
Do you have any memorable on-stage moments or performances that stand out to you?
All the live music activity is intense and Emotional and of course some concerts impressed my heart deeper than others, Thanks to the feeling with the People in that particular show.