Punk Head

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Garland Green On the Making Of “Baby Blue”

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in "Baby Blue?"

Produced by our good friend Doug Briton inside a garage at Launceston Tasmania. Doing vocals beside a fully worked KE70 Corolla race car was quite unique.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in "Baby Blue?"

”Baby Blue” is a song written about looking back on tough times that we have all gone through. What happened, what was learnt, how we overcame them, and the stories that inevitably unfold because of them. Then Share these stories with friends and family. And more often that not can be laughed about at the end of the day providing evidence that even in the real crap times they hold the power to create memories that turn into stories to be shared.

What do you like the best about this track?

We believe “Baby Blue” is a perfect introduction to our sound. Clean melodic vocals with some heavier guitar riffs and catchy song structure. Because of this, it’s often the opening song of our set.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

Haha, a Career in music would be the dream. We are 5 mates who have played music together since High School. Creating music together has always been the highlight. That moment in the songwriting process where everything starts coming together and you get excited, that’s why we do it. Having the opportunity to share it is pretty special.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a band, and how did you overcome them?

A common challenge for every band I believe is having each individual as committed and available to give time and effort into the band. We have families, jobs, and a life away from music but getting together for regular band practices is crucial. We have learnt that practice should be done at home, then getting together as a band to rehearse what you have practiced is key.


