Punk Head

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5 Q&A With Proklaim

How did everything come together?

It was a beat I'd had for a few days when I got to working on it it was a lot of fun and straightforward. I basically wrote down each verse and then recorded it. The hook came to my head and I just laid it.

What did you enjoy most about making "ALIVE?"

What I particularly liked about this session was it was spontaneous and efficient I also liked that it incorporated current events in its content.

What impact do you hope this "ALIVE" will have on your audience?

I hope it's a song that resonates with many globally.

Are there any genres or styles you'd like to explore in the future?

I'd love to rap over reggae-infused music one day.

If you could offer one piece of advice to your younger self when you were just starting out, what would it be?

Advice to my younger self would be..carpe diem ...with purpose (seize the day) and tread where your inner voice points you regardless of if others aren't going there.


