Feature: DJ Thommek Decodes “Dancing with Tuareg”

What was the creative process like for this particular "Dancing with Tuareg?"

In the beginning, there is always some motif or a sample that won't let me go. Then I start to develop rhythm and chords so that a creative block is created. The theme developed in this way then becomes the starting point for the track. The association with the thoughts and fantasies about this track arises at the end.

Were there any specific recording techniques or equipment used to achieve the desired sound?

I work with the software Ableton. The main motive of the track I have from the plugin Arcade, as a synthesizer I use Serum. I like to work with rhythmic delays.

What did you enjoy most about making "Dancing with Tuareg?"

Editing and developing tracks is like meditation or yoga for me. I forget everything around me. It's like sculpting a piece of wood or a block of stone when you realize that you're creating something you like, there's nothing better

Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?

In my youth, I played guitar in a band and also double bass in various orchestras and big band formations. I started producing EDM with PC and software 5 years ago.

In the past, it was unthinkable to produce music the way we do today. The possibilities of music production with software are endless. It is so conceivable that an artist could compose a world hit in 30 minutes on the PC, which he could immediately put online and make accessible to everyone. This idea fascinates me.

Can you share a project that holds particular significance to you? What made it memorable, and what challenges did you overcome?

All the projects I do are special. It's actually always the project that I'm currently working on. In the past, I used to think that the next project always has to be the better one. That's complete nonsense. You have to develop a certain creative composure and look at each track lovingly and nurture it.





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