Natalia Quest On the Making Of “Inversion”

How does "Inversion" reflect your musical journey and growth as an artist?

I've always been intrigued by a deeper understanding of the Universal and the world’s mysteries, but my songs used to lean more towards the personal, reflecting my own facets and experiences. In 2023, I released two singles for the first time that weren't personal; the focus was on 'we' rather than 'I.' It's either a tribute to or a consequence of the Aquarian age. Should I specify what 'inspired' me, so to speak? *sighs* I think most of us see it anyway – some in the news, some in their lives, often both. I couldn't and didn't want to remain passive towards the global events of recent years. I feel that the urge to prioritize the collective over the individual requires more responsibility, courage, mental and emotional maturity, possibly indicating both my growth as an artist and as a person.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in “Inversion?”

I think it would be wiser to leave the interpretation to the listener. The song includes several references to other works of art, such as books and movies, that can potentially deepen and broaden the perception of the lyrics.

How do you feel "Inversion" represents your artistic identity?

I believe it reflects my love for authenticity, the rebellious part of me, but also my compassionate side. Beneath this fiery facade, there is a lot of compassion. I'm tired of reading the news and crying. I sincerely wanted to do at least something with the tools available to me.

What is your songwriting process like? How do you usually start crafting a new song?

I believe that true art is received, not generated by a human's brain. Usually, it starts with me receiving a few strong lines that come along with the melody, giving me goosebumps. Then, I invite this idea to manifest on a larger scale. Sometimes, focusing on the lyrics of a track requires multiple approaches and takes a long time, while other times, it can be written in one go, though it's rare. I work on a song until every second of the track and every word in the lyrical canvas feels right. It’s perfectionistic, and frankly, can be pretty exhausting, but it's also a form of self-care in a long run, as it's important for me that the track brings joy even after 10 years and beyond.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

I don't actively seek it… it comes spontaneously. Often, as a form of therapy, when I'm going through something intense in my life, I'm inclined to listen to intense songs that help me process my feelings, or I write ones like that myself. I'm also inspired by certain artists and influencers, as well as some works of art that touch my soul.





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