Why Wolverine’s Brother Victor Creed Isn’t in Logan

wolverine and victor creed looking at each other

X-Men Origins: Wolverine follows Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) and Logan/Wolverine’s (Hugh Jackman) journey fighting wars as brothers and parting ways due to their differences. Though they are on different paths at the end of the film, fans expected to see Victor in Logan, the final journey of Wolverine. However, Schreiber’s character was not included in the movie.

Set in the future, Logan follows Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) as he looks after Professor X and protects a young mutant named Laura. The R-rated film was designed to be Jackman’s last portrayal of the beloved character. However, the actor will reprise his role of Logan/Wolverine in the forthcoming Deadpool 3. The absence of Logan’s half-brother is among the many questions the film leaves blank.

While X-Men Origins: Wolverine serves as Logan’s backstory, Logan makes his end, which leaves plenty of space between the two films. Many things could have happened to Victor Creed. And since the narrative mainly focuses on Logan and the new mutant Laura, the film seems like a perfect opportunity not to involve the return of past characters while giving no explanation.

On the other hand, if the film followed the storyline, fans could have seen an even more heart-wrenching fight scene between a beastie, a further mortified version of Victor vs. Wolverine.

In an interview, the actor explained why his actor didn’t return as mutant Sabertooth in the 2017 film. The actor told GQ that Sabertooth was never part of the story. “They didn’t ask me. No, I mean. I don’t think he was part of that story, you know? He wasn’t part of that story,” Schreiber said. “I would have loved to bring Victor back, anytime, anywhere, but it wasn’t part of that narrative. I wonder if I’m getting a little long in the tooth, so to speak, but probably not for Sabertooth.”


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