Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in “FREAK SHOW?”

Something I love about the musical element of FREAK SHOW is that it has this really odd and hauntingly unique sort of vibe, not just within the tune and the lyrics, but in the production too. The theme of the song is chaos and destruction and I feel like the tone of the song really helps convey the meaning. The two-part harmony of the vocals throughout the song, for me, reflects Madness and Mayhem singing together. In the lyrics I reference the couple being known as ‘Madness’ and ‘Mayhem’ and I feel like you can almost imagine the two of them singing as opposites and as one, especially during the chorus. Its as if they are singing to the listener and drawing them in.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for “FREAK SHOW?”

Honestly, I really struggled trying to come up with ideas for the bridge of the song. It was mostly lyrics. I had originally written the lyrics of the bridge when I first wrote the song, but when it came to recording, I didn’t click with those lyrics as much as I had done originally. So, trying to create new lyrics to fit into the melody of the bridge was challenging. I must have sat in the studio for almost an hour while the producer had put that part of the melody on the loop while I tried to figure out the new lyrics. I was writing down small phrases and words that had the potential to fit together, but in the end, we decided to call it a day. It wasn’t until I went home and sat down again, that I finally managed to get somewhere with it! I wrote part of it at home, which sparked some inspiration. The next day when I was at work, I remember just having a random thought for a lyric and ended up jotting the whole second part of the bridge down so I wouldn’t forget it haha.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for “FREAK SHOW?”

What stands out for me is probably hearing the song fully finished for the first time. I just feel like it was exactly how I envisioned it to be when I first wrote the song, if not, even better. As someone who doesn’t play any instruments, when I write songs, I tend to create the melodies and tunes, etc in my head. With FREAK SHOW, I had created the tune of the verses and the choruses and explained to Talon (an incredible music producer), what vibe I was going for. He helped make my vision, which at first was really just some lyrics and a phone-recorded version of me singing acapella, into what FREAK SHOW is now.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

So I grew up in a town in Essex called Rochford, quite close to Southend-On-Sea. I have always loved singing ever since I was really little and I have early memories of myself and my mum singing along to various types of music and songs in the car. The first time I ever sang on a proper stage, I had just turned 10 and I was on holiday at one of those Park Resorts caravan holidays, deciding to enter their talent show at the last minute. I think that, for me, it really ignited something in me that made me think; “oh… I really like this.” I enjoyed the adrenaline of being up there, feeling the music, and getting to express myself in a way I hadn’t been able to do before. From there, I started doing various open mics, local events that needed singers, and different competitions, and I just fell in love with music even more each time. During the COVID lockdown, I wrote a whole album’s worth of songs, and I was fortunate enough to finally get the opportunity to record my first-ever song ’Snakes and Ladders’ at the end of last year. FREAK SHOW is the third single that I have released.

Looking ahead, what are your long-term goals and aspirations as a musician?

As a musician, I just love creating music, so my goal is to keep doing what I love. I hope that the messages within my songs are something that listeners are able to relate to and express themselves with, perhaps not so much with FREAK SHOW haha, but with my songs ‘Easier Said Than Done’ and ’Snakes and Ladders’, they both had very personal meanings to me. Growing up, I was very shy and socially awkward, and I can still be both of those I think sometimes, and I’m really trying to work on believing in myself and not caring what others think about me. I want to convey that in my music and I want anyone who feels the same to be able to express themselves in that way too. If someone listens to a song of mine and it makes them happy or it helps them cope with something that’s meaningful to them, then I know I’m doing something right. I’ve got a few big things I’m working on behind the scenes, so watch this space :)





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