Darren Cox On the Making Of “Nightime”

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind “Nightime” and the story it tells?

“Nightime” is mostly inspired by the Spanish nightlife scene, especially the parties and how romantic relationships start between people my age.

As for what it is about, well, it’s obvious that the song is about a girl I know, how we met, how things went, etc. I wouldn’t call it a love song though. It certainly has a tone of romanticism mixed with a bit of taboo themes, as seen in some of the lyrics, but the overall theme of the song is attraction.
If I were to describe this song with a phrase, it would be “Looking for love in the club.”

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for “Nightime?”

Not at all… The writing process went quite smoothly. I knew what I wanted to say and how to make it sound good, maybe due to so much creativity accumulated over time that I haven’t made music.

Where I did encounter challenges was in the recording and production process. The vocal for this song was recorded after almost 40 hours of no sleep and a 3-hour train ride to the city where the studio was located.

Thankfully everything turned out okay, and in the end, I had a long nap on the studio couch while the engineer was editing everything.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

My initial idea for the music video was a dance music video, learning choreography and performing it. But due to budget constraints, in the end, I went with a visualizer comprised of videos from a photoshoot I had a month prior.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

It’s always been my dream since I was a kid. From a very young age, I would sing along and dance to MTV, looking up the lyrics of my favorite songs and annoying my friends with unsolicited live performances :)).

When I did start taking it seriously was when I was about 16 years old. That’s when I started writing, recording myself rapping or singing, and getting into learning how to use music production software.

It’s been a long road of learning and practicing until I got to the point where I can make a decent song.

What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

That I have a lot more singles on the way, an album in the making, and hopefully live shows as soon as I get the chance to perform.
And of course, a gigantic Thank You! Music is expression, but with fans and support, it becomes purpose! (For me at least)







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