I Panic “Forgot to Tell Me”

“Forgot To Tell Me” is an exuberant track. Opening in a swirl of fast-paced syncopated ska rhythms, the carnival, bright sounding landscape picks listeners up for a spin in the air. It evokes a blend of so many different textures, scenes and weathers, flashing through your eyes as I Panic invites you into his innermost sonics world.

“Forgot To Tell Me” has a sharpened sound. A musing meeting of conflicts resulting in a collage of contrasts. Punk rock’s brightness thrashes against goth aesthetic. There’s a crawling, almost sprawling dark undertone underneath its bubblegum plastic illusive overjoy. Like heartbreak and anger underneath humor and irony. It’s an indirect, yet powerful form of storytelling that is directly embedded into the sonics.

Inspired by ska and surf rock but goes further beyond. I Panic is very good at drawing elements that are buried deep in memories and even subconscious. It’s fascinating in the way these elements are brought up. Like ‘80s retro vibe popping in at nostalgic moments. Turmoil and sadness as its bleak reality. Sacredness and classical as the hovering backdrop.

In a way, his music is organically a blend of thoughts, emotions and musical references and memories. Its rich and complex multi-layered sound is of mystery, but at the same time, there’s a distance. “Forgot To Tell Me” is cinematic and very theatrical. It’s a storm of storytelling that immerses you and engages you in its world.

Punk Head: I love the eclectic blend of influences, humor, and theatrical storytelling. Is there a real-life event that inspired “Forget to Tell Me?”

I Panic: No, not really…When I was going though some notes and papers on my desk I found a post-it on which I had written "seems that we broke up, but someone forgot to tell me". I didn't remember why or when I wrote it, but it inspired me to come up with this story (and yes, some lines in the song did happen to me as well :) )

PH: What were you listening to around the time when the single was created? How has it influenced the track?

I Panic: Prior to writing the song and its initial recording, I listened a lot to ska-punk and skater punk, mostly Goldfinger and Reel Big Fish. And the energy and twists & musical changes in that music found its way in the arrangement. However the songwriting is maybe more influenced by the early Joe Jackson & Elvis Costello, songs I've been listening to since 40 years.

PH: What is coming up next for you?

I Panic: Whenever a song is released, I am typically already working on the next release or the one after that :) I just finished the production of new versions of 5 songs I released in 2021 (and one old but yet unreleased song) and I'm planning to put those into an EP called growing up in public.

PH: What is your creative vision as an artist?

I Panic: For I Panic, for me, it's all about the song, about the story. And ideally the sound, arrangement and delivery serve a purpose in telling the story. Not limited by one style or one sound.

PH: What would you like to say to your fans out there?

I Panic: I am so grateful and still amazed by everyone listening to my songs and liking them, so thank you so much for that! And I wish I would hear what your thoughts are and what my songs mean to you - so please find me on my socials and let me know.




Imelda Gabs ‘Synopsis’