Imelda Gabs ‘Synopsis’

Imelda Gabs is probably one of the most talented rising singer/songwriter in the indie scene. For one, she has a powerful voice that can easily scale amongst some of the most iconic voices in history. As a composer, her epic filmic soundscapes take listeners on scenic, emotional roller coasters through time, light and space. Synopsis is impressively immersive with an authentic hint of earthiness and spirituality embedded in her musical expression.

From the powerful opening, “Am I” is a storm of diverse experiences. The track puts you in touch with elements found in nature. At times, it places you on top of a mountain. While other times, you’re in touch with a person’s deeply emotive heart space. You won’t be able to forget what you experienced in “Am I.” It just kind of follows you.

Gabs’ middle and lower range remind you of the timbre and expression found in Nina Simone’s work. She can make the most unimpressive melody mystically unique, and you know she’s not trying to be anyone but herself. Her flow of melodies is effortless and raw, but it easily places her amongst the most unique voices in history. Gabs’ higher range is a bit miraculous. There’s so much soul and sacredness in her voice. It’s purifying. And in the scarce but precious moments when she does allow her liberating high notes to fly in the backdrop, she brings the springs in the mountains and the clouds in the highlands—somehow so close to the sky that you can almost feel the presence of a higher force.

But that’s not the only mind-blowing thing that happened in this album. If you think “Am I” is impressive enough, it only gets better. “Confession” surprises you with her masterful Soul and R&B mix. The smooth banger is an instant hit, giving you goosebumps as it raises and falls. There hasn’t been a song that manages to hit so deep like the grooves are tapping and creating echoes all across your bones.

Gabs is a phenomenon singer and powerful storytelling. With the almost ritual-like cleansing from the first three songs, “Secrets” gives you a whole new level of audio-visual effects and sees the versatile singer-songwriter experimenting and pushing the envelopes of genres. “Free Spirits” drops into a soul-baring, confessional personal moment with deeply revealing lyrics that read like a diary, delivering some of the hardest-hitting lines and empowering upbuilt.

Read our interview with Gabs and learn more about her as a songwriter.

Punk Head: I love how deep you dived into the dark and vulnerable spaces writing this album, and especially your debut. What are some challenges and surprises that come your way during the creative process?

Imelda Gabs: With this album, I tried to push my creativity and go outside of my comfort zone, both musically and lyrically. My challenge was to create a deeply personal piece but also make it relatable. I spent many hours at the piano in my home studio working on it, writing and composing. My biggest project yet!

Which song do you like the best and why?

Imelda Gabs: My favourite song really changes from day to day, depending on the mood! But today I would say it's 'Am I', the album's first track. It is to me the most experimental song, with a lot of intricate details and a very deep meaning within the lyrics, so even though I love every track of the album, this one has a special place in my heart :)

What is your creative vision as an artist?

Imelda Gabs: I love to mix visuals with my music, I believe they often complete the overall project. For 'Synopsis', I was very lucky to both work with photographer 19Tones (Ernest Em) for the album cover, and with film director Dariy Mambetov (@riydas) for its two singles' music videos, 'Reckless' and 'Thieves'. To me, the album would definitely not have been complete without the visuals we made altogether, and I truly feel blessed to have had the opportunity to make it all happen with such talented people!

In your own words, how would you describe the music that you typically create?

Imelda Gabs: I would describe my sound as Dark Pop with hints of Soul, RnB, and some Rock elements as well! I've always been inspired by a very broad selection of music genres, I like to use all those influences in my music.

What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

Imelda Gabs: This album is 100% self-produced! As an independent artist, I realised how difficult it is to be heard or taken seriously, especially as a female producer. So releasing and producing this album from A to Z has been a very interesting and humbling journey, I hope it'll inspire others to do the same and not be afraid to let their voices be heard. All stories deserve to be told <3


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