Inspired by real life situations, “MACH DIRR KEINE SORGEN” is a song about toxic relationship and mental health issues. Lukas Sydlo, aka LUNRR WAKE UP opens his self up completely in the song. Music become transparent while his emotions pierce through words—they permeates gate of the language and forms a direct and deeply stirring connection between Sydlo and listeners.

Hip-hop beats, scattered across like pieces of mirrors. Semi-translucent guitarscape paints a limbo state of loss and love. Between verses and brutally honest storytelling, gritty grunge and post-punk sonics sneak in to complete the sonic world building. They are not feelings, not exactly, but aesthetics. Puzzles that hold the truth. If missing, it’d be missed.

“MACH DIRR KEINE SORGEN” pulls threads from the bones. It reaches into the deep and almost brutal places in one’s heart and soul and pours itself onto the music. It’s that transparent and honest, with all the nerves and fleshes out in the open. It speaks his dedication in music making. There’s not a lot of artists capable or willing to open themselves up like this, but LUNRR WAKE UP seems to be the kind of artist who wears his heart on his songs. His music is real. It gets under your skin. Even without understanding the language, you can hear the storytelling beating through, as if the pain and the entanglement have become palpable, and that’s really powerful.

Outside his music, LUNRR WAKE UP Isn’t a person with too many words, but just like the way he is in his music, he leaves an impression with few words.

Punk Head: I love how raw and honest "MACH DIRR KEINE SORGEN" is. Was there a real-life event that inspired the track?

LUNRR WAKE UP: The tells the story of a toxic relationship. It's something I struggled with and so the song was created.

PH: How would you describe your sound?

LUNRR WAKE UP: gritty grunge, emotional Hardcore, loud, raw, real

PH: What is coming up next for you?

LUNRR WAKE UP: Release of my Debut Album "METEORR" on 04.05.23

PH: Who are your biggest influence?

LUNRR WAKE UP: Nothing, nowhere; Deftones; Korn; Bad Omens; Alice In Chains; Linking Park

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

LUNRR WAKE UP: Im just like everyone else


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