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Wax Heart Sodality On the Making Of ‘Wax Heart Sodality EP’

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What was the creative process like for this particular 'Wax Heart Sodality EP?'

The creative process for this EP and most of our songs is the same. We get together, we chip in ideas and we see what comes of it. It just so happens that for this EP we wrote consecutive songs that we felt shared a similar ambience so recorded them together and packaged them nicely as an EP.

What did you enjoy most about making 'Wax Heart Sodality EP?'

Sounds simple, but we enjoyed getting together with our friend and EP producer Steven Bardgett and having some laughs whilst trying to capture the essence of each track in the studio. It's also nice to experiment a little with overdubs, layering, and harmonies to bring out certain elements of each track.

How does this EP fit into your overall artistic vision?

We feel it's a step in the right direction. Our earlier stuff was focused on creating a raw, garage sound, whereas this EP sees the smoother and more expansive new wave, goth, and post-punk elements of our sound come to the fore.

It has set us up nicely for our next release, which will build on this further.

How did your band members initially come together?

A chance encounter during a time when days of entertaining folk with music seemed a distant memory.

How do you balance the artistic aspects of your music with the business side of the industry?

We don't. Embracing the industry side of music is good for the progression of certain artists but probably not so much for artists like us, which is fine and is why we don't concern ourselves too much with it. Our main focus is writing decent songs and performing them well.


