Riley Lynch On the Making Of “HEARTBREAKER”

What was the creative process like for this particular "HEARTBREAKER?"

The creative process for HEARTBREAKER was pretty seamless. Ron Geffen had been sitting on the track for a little bit but there were no lyrics, melody, or overarching message. When I heard the track I immediately fell in love with it and once we got to talking we decided to hone in on the idea of making mistakes in love due to your own insecurities that need healing. We’re all guilty of being too caught up in our own heads sometimes.

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "HEARTBREAKER?"

Definitely the driving guitars in this track along with some conversations regarding personal experiences in love. It had so much power and it felt like it needed melodies to match. Coming up with the lyrics for this particular track came very naturally.

What did you enjoy most about making this track?

I loved getting to record vocals for this one. I’m usually someone who really enjoys writing lyrics and melodies, but the vocal performance on this one was my personal favorite part. I got to really go crazy in the booth which is always dope.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

I’ve been making music since I was around 12 but my first real start in the music industry came from my appearance on TheXFactorUSA Season 3. Since then, I’ve been recording, writing, and performing all over the US. My current focus is on future original releases and continuing to push the boundaries of the pop-rock-alternative genre.

How do you approach collaborations with other musicians and maintain creative synergy?

I approach collaborations with other musicians with an open heart, no pun intended. I think it is so deeply important to be authentic when you go into the studio because whoever you happen to be working with can pick up on that energy as well. When there is true authenticity and no barriers between artists the most genuine music is created.





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