UNIQORNZ On the Making Of “The Weirdest Beard”

What inspired you to write the lyrics/music for "The Weirdest Beard?"

I really just wanted to write an upbeat fun track to counter act all the heaviness in the world.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this song?

A standout moment would be when I had the synth and drums nailed down and the lyrics came so easy. Usually, lyrics are quite a chore for me.

What do you like the best about this track?

The synth and drum sounds and the simplicity.

Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you decided to follow your path as a musician?

I can't recall any pivotal moment, I just knew I wanted to write and play music.
For thirty years now it's been a great creative outlet for me.

What role do you feel emotions play in your music, and how do you channel them into your performances?

I feel that channeling emotion into a song helps the direction of the writing process. Hopefully, that comes across to the listener.





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