Punk Head

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Tara Van On the Making Of “Hello Human”

Photo Credit: Yolanda van der Kolk-Brown

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

I wrote this song after reading the book ‘The Age Of Insecurity’ by Astra Taylor and it really resonated with me. I strongly believe in the importance of sharing this earth and breaking away from the fierce individualism that we have particularly in the west. We are stronger together and what’s more is we are also happier together. As I contemplated all that, looking out at the ocean and sky and critters passing by in Panama, I just felt this profound sense of unity and balance following which the lyrics and melody just sprang up in my mind.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in "Hello Human?"

The lyrics are simple but poignant. The message is that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Just as ants and bees work for the greater good of their kind and birds fly in miraculous synchronicity across the sky. We must look at the larger picture. It can be hard to see past the details of our lives but we all must remember to zoom out and engage with the world and that means real contact not just liking something on social media. Get out there! See. Touch. Taste. Smell. Connect with life around you because there is so much of it!

What did you enjoy most about making "Hello Human?"

Crafting this song and then hearing what Malory came up with for production felt like a return to childhood playing in the garden or the sandbox. It was a return to those moments when you were just so immersed in your environment, needing to feel everything between your fingers, watching the ants move to and fro and the bees buzzing by as they hopped from flower to flower. That feeling being captured in music just gave me chills and I listened to the fully production Mal had done up with my eyes closed grinning ear to ear.

What do you find most rewarding about co-writing with others?

The idea of working with others is that we all have different skillsets and when you find kindred spirits you can bring out the best in each other. I have been remarkably lucky in the past few years to find unbelievable collaborators who push me, inspire me and invariably bring out my best.

Do you have any memorable on-stage moments or performances that stand out to you?

I recently got to live out a dream by playing at the infamous Cavern Club in Liverpool, I was pinching myself the whole time. Letting my voice dance off the walls of the place that birthed The Beatles felt like an awakening. I only just recently started allowing myself to share my craft properly and well I suppose playing there really made me feel that I was exactly where I was supposed to be doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing. It was very freeing.


