Take The Reins “Last Stop Motel”

“Last Stop Motel” is an infectious, nostalgic power punk track from the anthem makers—Take The Reins’ share their album I’m At Your Door. With permeating buzzing hotness and mesmerizing melodies, their music signals great disturbance in the air—they have something to say and they’re saying it loudly. Their stripped-down, in-your-face lyrics spark authenticity, while the unstoppable drilling rhythms sweep you off of your feet. Take The Reins are here to make an offer you can’t reject.

Their music simply means more than punk rock, and that’s the truth. Their music has uniting power that connects people together and transcends the illness and tragedy in life. They don’t go after conceptual topics or anything too big, but the relatable every-day thoughts, troubles and situations. They make their songs accessible and relatable to all folks, with a sound that’s meant to stick.

I’m At Your Door feels like a transformative experience that is meant to uplift you from any bad mindset or situation you’re in, rather than just another pop punk records. Take The Reins are restless and fierce. They face up with the things in life that’s weighing you down with their heads up, pushing through and spreading the message. Music has the power to change lives, and Take The Reins are the ones to deliver it.

Their music feels like medicine, but either the bitter kind of the sweet kind. They don’t sugarcoat. They just go straight to the healing process—elevating and evocative soundscapes. They are memory makers whose hearts beat inside their music. “Last Stop Motel” sees the band in battle mode with mental health issues. A bright sonic palette, in counter of the dark undertone—no matter how bad things may seem, there’s hope and victory waiting at the end of the tunnel,

Punk Head: I love how deep the songs on I'm At Your Door are. How did everything come together?

Take The Reins: Writing songs is a form of therapy for me. Getting my thoughts out on paper helps me to let go of things that are out of by control. When I started writing songs for this record, they all seemed to have a common theme of trying to get through to someone, but realizing that people only see what they are meant to see at that time, you can’t get through to someone if they aren’t open to it. 

PH: The music video for "Last Stop Motel" is very interesting, especially the part of the silhouettes. As a pretty grim song, it's very bright sounding. Can you tell us a bit about the thoughts behind this track?

Take The Reins: This songs’ underlying message is about someone who is struggling with mental health and has sunk so far deep into their own head that they can not see a way out. Yes the song is dark but the overall “brightness” of the song is a feeling of hope that things can change if we all pay attention to the signs of someone struggling and not feel shame around these feelings. 

PH: Can you tell us more about you as a band?

Take The Reins: Matt and I met at a punk rock show in 2008 and started dating. He and Dan Duffy were in a band together at that time, but they later broke up in 2010. At that point we were now living together and thought let’s start a band together so we brought in some friends and created the first chapter of TTR. After a few member changes, Dave Burke came in 2016 and Erik Hilger in 2017 and that’s when it all started really coming together. We are 5 friends who love playing music together. We all come from different backgrounds and musical influences, but when we come together we make it all work to create our sound. We all love and grew up on punk rock so that is the common thread.

PH: Who are your biggest inspirations?

Take The Reins: This is so tough, there are so many! I’d have to say that growing up as a little girl, I always looked up to female fronted bands and thought I want to be just like them. Joan Jett was one of the first shows I ever went to and I was just in aww of her. However, as an artist, I appreciate anyone who is willing to put themselves out there and open themselves up to share their gifts with the world.

PH: What would you like to say to your fans out there?

Take The Reins: We are still here making music due to your love and support. We have the most amazing fans/friends/family who have shown so much support for us over the years and it has never gone unnoticed. We can’t thank you enough for believing in us and connecting with our music. As human beings, we are just looking for connection and music in my opinion is the best way to find that.


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