Punk Head

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Piper Connolly On the Making Of “kiss like me”

Photo Credit: Patty Powers Photography

What inspired you to write the lyrics/music for "kiss like me?"

“kiss like me” is a very tongue-in-cheek, “the grass is greener on THIS side” song about a romantic rival. I’m basically telling the object of my affection, “yeah, he might be great and have all these wonderful attributes, but he doesn’t kiss like me”.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this song?

It was ALL stand out. It’s probably my favorite recording experience so far- I don’t think I’ve ever danced so much in the studio while recording, tbh.

How do you feel "kiss like me" represents your artistic identity?

I like to have fun – this is especially true with music- and this song isn’t meant to be taken too seriously. It’s a cheeky, fun, flirty bop. I like to think my music can make you feel some type of way while still being fun!

How did you get started in music, and what inspired you to become a singer-songwriter?

Being a performer was never an intentional choice. It just “was.” I always knew it was what I wanted to do, and it’s all I’ve ever done - whether it be acting or music. I started performing when I was 5 and I haven’t looked back. I hope I continue to be blessed with opportunities to perform for the rest of my life!

Do you have any memorable on-stage moments or performances that stand out to you?

My favorite thing in the entire world is performing live. To have people sing along with you and dance and jump around is just amazing. It is as if the crowd’s energy charges me and I love it so much. Near and dear to me is performing at First Fridays in downtown Phoenix- having the downtown core just come alive, teeming with people and music. It’s pretty magical and I always really look forward to those local moments!


