Feature: Immolated Decodes “Two Minutes To Mosh (Feat. Forlorn)”

How did everything come together?

Well, I picked up a guitar a little more than two years ago. It was the cheapest I could find, and came with a discount because of factory or delivery damage. It sounded awful, and I paired it with a little Marshall toy amp that worked on a 9-volt battery. Things started slowly, then I started recording some things after getting a Laney practice amp that sounded slightly less awful. Started learning how drums work, how to make a mix and eventually how to master them, until I could make a moderately good tune. I worked by myself until not too long ago when one of my closest friends, Forlorn, agreed to collaborate with me. We made “Two Minutes to Mosh” in a day, full of energy drinks and cigarettes, and we kind of just wanted to make metal and nothing too complicated or special, considering it's the first song under the Immolated name. Since then I've gotten quite a lot of feedback, and my mixes and mastered songs are sounding quite a lot better but there's still room to improve and we just keep going at it.

Was there any challenge that you encountered while making "Two Minutes To Mosh (Feat. Forlorn)?"

I'd say mixing and mastering was the biggest hurdle. The biggest complaint we've gotten is the lack of bass, something I've paid close attention to since then. Oddly enough the song has a bass guitar in it, it's just basically inaudible. So yeah, the biggest challenge was the production side of things.

What impact do you hope this track will have on your audience?

I just hope that some people like it, enough to bring some energy into their lives. It's an instrumental so achieving that is a bit difficult, but I'm working on getting a setup to do vocals in the near future. I'm excited to put my voice on future songs and also to add them to previous ones.

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

Hmph. Not really a question I've considered a lot. I'm a pretty normal person, all things considered, it's just that I want to make metal music and express some ideas through that. I don't have a lot of qualities I can speak about without going into personal stuff.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

Sure. I pick up a guitar and start making riffs, piece them together along with drums, then make the bass. Usually, I work within a certain key but I've taken my liberties in some aspects and gone outside the norms. After that it's adding stuff ontop of that base, putting in supporting guitars, solos and such. I don't really have an interesting explanation for it, it just comes naturally to me most of the time aside from choosing a few starting points. There's no magic behind it, just metal.





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