Punk Head

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On Regret “Nervous Ghost”

Inspired by this odd, turbulent time, “Nervous Ghost” tackles the dissonance between memories and reality. Through contemplative lyrics, immersive soundscapes, and exploding progression, On Regret rises from sensuous melancholia to iron-hot angst, creating an unforgettable, hard-hitting noise noir where the symbol of a ghost evokes lost feelings.

“Nervous Ghost” is the four-piece outfit’s first release since 2019. Bridging over the global pandemic, the band reflects on change and time collectively, stirring multiple genres. They tune into that dissociation of time, however with a powerful twist of energy where the fleeing of time and the change of reality intertwine, the present becomes the past becomes unrecognizable. It’s a loss with so much unsaid. “Nervous Ghost” evokes a very unexpected blend of sonic palettes.

Its expressive, emotive storytelling has one foot lingering in the lost world of the past, the burning of the old, while the other setting into the disconnection of the new. Angsty and tearful, haunting and melancholy, On Regret so brilliantly articulate this range of complicated conflicts that many still feel up to this day. Their sonics are metallic and piercing, the vocals are scream-coiled and torn, and the buildups are full-blown and hysterical—On Regret has brought their listeners an epic track.

In our interview below, we chat with the band about how “Nervous Ghost” came together.

Punk Head: I love the heart in your music. The buildup in “Nervous Ghost” is so wonderful! What inspired you to write the song?

On Regret: Thanks! The inspiration for “Nervous Ghost” came partially from living in the early days of the pandemic, but more so from grappling with getting used to life in your mid to late twenties. For the most part, it's about how everyday life can start to feel static and unfamiliar and how the dissonance between your memories and the current realities of the places and people around you can grow over time.

PH: How did everything come together?

On Regret: Tim and Zach began writing the songs that became the first album between 2015-2019. Jonah joined the band in late 2021 in preparation to play live shows, followed by Dan shortly after. Zach wrote “Nervous Ghost” around the same time and the four of us recorded it together.

PH: Is there any challenge that you had to overcome while creating this song?

On Regret: It was tough finding the time to practice for shows, write new music, and record all at the same time while also managing our typical day to days, but gradually we found a good rhythm. As time has gone on we’ve all been dedicating more and more time to the project which has made it much easier to get everyone together and to stay motivated to make more music.

PH: Tell us more about you. What defines On Regret?

On Regret: Our main focus is to write reflective songs that allow us to work through old experiences that may not always be the most pleasant to think about, which is the inspiration for the new album title “Burning Old Photos.” We also aim to create a wide variety of songs that don’t necessarily match in terms of genre but maintain a similar vibe and central theme.

PH: Any exciting upcoming releases in the near future?

On Regret: No release date yet, but we have an upcoming album, Burning Old Photos, set to release later this year. There should be another single or two before then as well so keep an eye out for that.