NazTheMoon On the Making Of “Crimson”

How did you come up with the idea?

“Crimson” came to me when I was going through a rough depressive episode, I had written the lyrics as a way to express my feelings and understand what I was going through. The music came to me when I listened to “Treading Water” by Glass Heart. This song truly speaks to me, and I loved the structure of it, so I decided to pick up my guitar and try to make something like it. Combining the two, “Crimson” came to life!

Can you walk me through your songwriting process?

Honestly, it is a mess. Sometimes I’ll go a month without writing music, sometimes I’ll go on for days and days working on songs. Most of the time, it ends up with me humming to myself. I’ll find a melody and sing about how I’m feeling or what I see. I’ll listen to songs, gain inspiration, and come up with a general idea of what I want the song to be about. Then, slowly but surely, the song comes to life piece by piece.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Crimson?"

There isn’t that I can think of. Most of my recording sessions are very smooth and don’t take long. The most memorable moment was probably coming up with the harmonies. I remember sitting in the studio and just closing my eyes, listening to the playback, and slowly coming up with the harmonies. It isn’t a very exciting moment to most people, but to me, it is amazing to hear this song that I came up with just come to life.

Can you tell us about your musical background and what inspired you to become a vocalist?

When I was younger I joined a small youth group band for the local church I went to. I originally wanted to be a keyboardist, but they had me join on vocals because so many people vouched for me to sing. I was always happiest when I was on stage, yet I still gave up music when COVID-19 happened because the band disbanded. Then, about a year ago, I rediscovered my love for sharing songs and covers with the world. I saw small bands I love like Dream State and Glass Heart doing what they loved and thought, “Damn, this is what I need to do.” So, I did it. And it has been the best decision I’ve ever made.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

A lot of my inspiration comes from post-hardcore & metal bands. Lyrically, I find a lot of inspiration from singers like Ethel Cain or bands like Sleep Token. The poetic nature of their songs is something I wish to achieve. My lyrics tend to come from personal experiences I wish to share to let people know they aren’t alone. Musically, I tend to pull inspiration from Glass Heart, Spiritbox, Evanescence, and Dream State.





Feature: The Nomadic Decodes “Treading Water”


Feature: Michael Meaney Decodes “Supersonic”