LAB RAT On the Making Of “Exit Path”

Can you tell us more about “Exit Path?”

Honestly, we wrote the whole thing in about 5 minutes. Me and Kaisa wrote it about a year ago when we were playing in a completely different band together.

Was there any challenge that you encountered while making “Exit Path?”

Trying to figure out how to make 2 chords keep repeating for 3 minutes without it getting feeling like the musical version of watching paint dry.

Were there any moments in the recording process where you knew you had something special?

I remember laying all the guitar tracks down in the studio and Darcy brought in an E-bow. As simple as it sounds, when I heard the E-bow in the track I knew something special was happening with the track.

Could you share some of your musical influences and how they have shaped your sound?

Garage Rock revival, alternative 90’s and UK rap have always been massive influences on my music.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

Anything positive that someone can take away from the music.





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