Feature: TNCS Decodes “I Want To Run To The Top Of A Mountain And Scream”

What was the creative process like for this song?

Richie Harrison, Guitar: The main riff of this song was actually written quite a while ago. I couldn't fit anything to it so I just kept it. Then a friend of the band, Emily Butler, got in touch and said "I'm so stressed, I want to run to the top of a mountain and scream" that gave me the idea for the song and it pretty much all fell into place from that moment. Emily helped with the lyrics and the song was then enhanced in the studio by all the band.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording session for this track?

Ewan Boiston-Green, Lead Guitar: "One standout moment during the recording sessions for “I Want To Run To The Top Of A Mountain and Scream” was when we heard Tony's voice over the track for the first time. Everyone in the studio was instantly impressed by the raw emotion and power he brought to the song. It was a defining moment that solidified the direction and intensity of the track."

What impact do you hope this song will have on your audience?

Tony Carr, Vocals: We want our audience to feed off the energy we put into the performances, we hope the song will resonate with our audience in that they relate to the feeling of angst and frustration in the lyrics and they can release that feeling by joining in with the screams!

Can you tell us more about the band?

Emma Stubbs, Keys: We’re a mixed bag of age ranges and day jobs.  Richie, our guitarist is a technician/engineer but really his true talent lies in great songwriting and he’s the chief creative force behind the majority of our songs.

Tony, our “Lou Reed” is a creative agency guru by day and chases Elvis’ heavenly coat tails for the world’s most iconic quiff.   Did you know he was the victim of a hit and run in Germany a few years back (but he’d be happy to speak to you to do a separate article on that).  Ewan, our lead guitarist can create one heck of an ear worm solo.  He’s an engineering student by day, Peroni monster by night.  Kev is our John Bonham who can withstand sub-zero temperatures (handy when you live in the North East of England) due to his regular ice-bath usage.  Emma is our key player.  She is a lawyer by day but playing in the band helps her resist sticking pins in her eyes when reviewing a stack of contracts.  Rayyan our bass player is studying for a chemistry degree and is the band’s Peter Hook, creating mean bass riffs.  He can neck a vodka, archers and cranberry juice in one.  Everyone else can split the G (in a pint of Guinness), except Richie but that’s probably just his excuse to keep practising.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Richie: I mainly get inspired by life in general and all the positives and negatives that go with it. Musically I'm inspired by bands and artists that I've grown up with, such as Oasis, The Stone Roses, The Beatles, The Libertines and so on. I have been recently getting into the production side of things and always try to get inspired by anything that comes on. Like if I'm listening to the radio and there is a certain sound in a song or a way they've mixed a certain part. I just love the whole process, to be honest. The band really helps make the songs once I take them to them as well. They all bring their own part to every song we all play.





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