Feature: Shy Blossom Decodes “All I Wanted”

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your "All I Wanted" and the story it tells?

Back in 2020, I was watching the movie Twilight, I think the first one. At one point, when Edward leaves Bella, there is a montage where she wakes up screaming every night because he left. I thought that it was super dramatic, so I decided to write all I wanted about that dramatic scene in and make a very dramatic song.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this "All I Wanted?"

I think the most memorable moment when recording all I wanted was when I added the high note at the end of the song. Before that was ever there, there was just empty space at the end of the song. I wasn’t sure what to add, but then Howard (my producer) asked me to continue singing after the last words to see if I come up with anything for that empty space. And so I did. When I added that high note, we were all surprised; especially ME, because I never realized I could sing that high.

What has been one of your favorite memories along the path to making "All I Wanted?"

I loved everything about the process of making this song. Seeing it being built from just my guitar and my voice was so amazing. Each instrument that was added made the song more and more dynamic. It is so cool thinking about where the song started and where it is now.

Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?

My whole life, I have been surrounded by music and musicians. Being surrounded by all of it, just grew my love for music so much. Ever since I could speak, I have been singing and writing songs. It wasn’t till the lockdown, though, that led me to start playing the guitar. One day, I just decided that I wanted to learn how to play the guitar, so I had my dad teach me some chords. He taught me only five. After that day, I continued to teach myself new chords and strumming patterns. All because I started playing the guitar, I have accomplished so much and been able to grow in my confidence and become a better version of myself.

Do you have a favorite song that you've performed or recorded? What makes it special to you?

I think my top most favorite song that I have performed is, Ruin Me. This is an original of mine that I wrote nearly two years ago, and I still love it. Ruin Me is about a person who is willing to change everything about themselves just for someone to like them the same. I have so much love for this song because of its meaning and the effects I’ve seen it has had on people. Nearly every time I have played this song, someone has come up to me and told me that they have felt this way before and that the song means so much to them. I just think it is so beautiful that I am able to connect with others just through the songs I have written. This song is also going to be recorded for my second album!





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