Punk Head

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Feature: Joey Rival Decodes “Rooted In Blood”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Rooted In Blood?"

Nothing specific sparked it, I tend to write backwards from most people creating the music first and then lyrics. I usually do this to see what emotions the song is speaking and where it takes me mentally. I am then able to find a path, write my lyrics, and dive into what the song is saying to me. Lyrically the writing comes from personal or emotional experience and is my form of expression.

Have you noticed any particular interpretations or connections that listeners have made with this "Rooted In Blood?"

I have had some wonderful feedback regarding this track and its power, aggression, performance, and production. My favorite response to it has to be in a recent review that stated “ This was built by someone who has a real love for his craft and when I say that I don't just mean playing instruments, I mean writing songs, building them, creating them from scratch, and delivering them out into the world with fewer boundaries and no walls built around it. “ It meant a lot that someone was able to pick that up from my music as it is very true.

What has been one of your most favorite memories along the path to making this track?

Probably getting the final master back and listening to weeks of hard work finally bare fruit and feel real. I feel that way most every time releasing a song as you tend to put so much into its creation and to finally check that box, done. Its a great feeling.

Can you recall a particular moment, artist, or experience that had a significant influence on your music?

Should be no shock here but my earliest major influence had been Metallica and Jame Hatfield specially. As I grew in music and the craft I expanded into being influenced artistically by all types of acts and artists. Breaking Benjamin played a big part for me as well as Dream Theater, Testament, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, and even inspired presently by acts like Ice Nine Kills and Motionless In White. For most people they love sports and other hobbies and can tell you names of athletes and teams. I never got into any of that and it was always bands and the musicians that make them. Music is and always will be my main passion.

What challenges have you faced as a singer-songwriter, and how have you overcome them?

Finding the people to work with and getting the music I have worked so hard on or spent so much money on to even be heard. A lot of people don't realize what goes into even writing and releasing one song. The countless times you feel like giving up and that no one listens or cares because you're not being promoted by some giant corporation or label. Overcoming that and still managing to write and release music is something that I am proud of myself for continuing to do because I love what I do.


