Feature: CMON CMON Decodes “Headwind”

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

We always start with a basic melodic idea from Jorrit which is then developed by Steven and Michel and together we turn it into a song with a proper structure. We record lots of demos before we head out to the studio. For “Headwind,” our producer James Brown suggested to work with Hammond organ and piano which really added to the atmosphere of the song.

What impact do you hope "Headwind" will have on your audience?

Our songs are written to make you feel something. We like to say our music touches parts of the heart other songs cannot reach. In this case, we hope people can relate to a sense of loneliness on one side and to a feeling of courage to face whatever obstacle is on their way. There is no other way.

What did you enjoy most about making this single?

The best part is always the creative process we experience when writing this together as a group. We you feel you’re on to something and it begins to take shape as a song with its own verse and chorus. That’s a beautiful feeling we enjoy very much.

What’s the most profound emotional experience you’ve ever had while creating or performing music?

Well, we’re big fans of radio. To us, there’s no bigger reward than hearing our music on the radio. It never gets boring, you know? There’s something magical about radio. It’s so direct and personal. The internet doesn’t even come close to what radio can achieve.

What do you think is the role of music in society, and how do you see yourself contributing to it?

We create our music just for ourselves. If we’re happy and satisfied with the creative result, then that’s already enough. But if we share the music and people can relate to it and feel the energy and emotion that we would like to express and communicate, then that’s a great bonus for any song to achieve. In that perspective, you could say music, if done genuinely and authentically, has the power to connect people. It’s about bonding and creating a sense of identity and belonging. We’re just one group of people and we need to stick together on our little rock around the sun, right?





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