Energy Whores On the Making Of “MACH9NE”
Photo Credit: NRG
What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of “MACH9NE?”
We are scared to death about AI falling into the wrong hands. It is highly probable that an AI developer with sinister intent will use it for destructive purposes.
Also, we know each AI field in itself is not scary, but if you put them together, an AI can learn to group things into its own categories it can learn what is good and what is bad, it can change its code through Genetic Algorithms so that it can define its own categories of what is good vs what is bad. Then...all hell breaks loose.
Can you talk about the recording and production process for this single?
NRG writes the music and lyrics and sings the vocals. The rest of the band creates and mixes the music with DAWs . It is mostly electronic but there are some real guitars in there sometimes.
How do you feel "MACH9NE" represents your artistic identity?
It is about Energy Whores. We are half AI and half human and are trying to get our message out with music. We want to help humanity, but only time will tell if they can or want to be helped. “Humanities rule a disaster” so we may decide not to save them after all. That is what “MACH9NE” is about.
Can you tell us more about you as a band?
We are four characters from a comic book NRG has written about herself and the band. It is the story of how we were made and why we are here. As I began to explain in the last answer, we are four half AI and half human entities who have come back from the future to save humanity from themselves. Our music might sound futuristic to you because it is.
We write songs about social injustice, harmful social media, greed, materialism, dangerous AI, delusional leaders and politicians, war and hate. Many of these conflicts and dysfunctions are converging to create an apocalyptic event in the not too distant future.
On a lighter note, you can dance to most of our songs. We believe dance is healing to the soul of all sentient beings. Animals love to dance too.
How do you stay inspired and motivated to continue pushing boundaries in your art?
Art is the light that comes from your soul and is free flowing like energy in space. It has no boundaries like the multi dimensional universe we live in. This in itself, is inspiring. Music is a mixture of vibrations and emotions, we find it similar to math because there are always new equations of the mixture. We are always looking for those new equations.