Dial Drive On the Making of ‘Burning Bridges’

How does 'Burning Bridges' reflect your musical journey and growth as a band?

Jake LeDrew - Singer/Guitar player: Genre-wise I think we added a few more heavy elements into our sound with this new album. A lot of the songs were written during COVID, so I feel that there's an angrier element in some of the parts through the album too. It was cool to start working on ‘Burning Bridges’ because with it being our second album, we had more of an idea of how to craft a set of songs to make them feel like a full release instead of a collection of singles.

We had a lineup change during the process of getting this album together too. Our old bass player Tim left the band to pursue other projects and that resulted in our drummer AJ moving to Bass and us recruiting our new drummer Billy for a few of the songs. So we have 6 total people credited on this album which is really rad.

Was there any challenge that you encountered while making 'Burning Bridges?'

Way too many, unfortunately. We were held up waiting for labels that might've been interested, we had to find a new producer for two of the songs, we had a lineup change, we were constantly touring, and had trouble finding studio time... At some point, we just decided to say fuck it and put this thing out! We were sick of waiting for labels so we'll try again on the next one haha

What impact do you hope this album will have on your audience?

We just really hope our fans will dig it. A lot of work went into finally getting this album released. We think it's some of our best work, and this might be because it's new, but they're also our favorite songs.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

For the majority of our songs, it starts with a basic idea from myself of Nate. One of us will come forward with the beginnings of an idea, and then we all get together and jam it. From there we start to tear it apart, get everyone's input, re-write, etc. The end product can end up being very different from the original idea. Every band member has a lot of say in the writing process. So we credit all 4 band members are the writers of each song.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

I guess I'll stick with the cliche on this one, but it's an outlet to release stress, anxiety, anger, and have a kick-ass time doing it. We tour a lot, and we love seeing new parts of the country. Being on the road makes us feel like we're a real band haha





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