Axus Bliss ‘Live Once Die Twice’

The sound of Axus Bliss is hard to define. Their music is mesmerising and sensationally good, but they’re not afraid to derive further from that. Axus Bliss is a band who could convince you that they are something else in under a minute. Live Once Die Twice proves to a hardcore record. Recorded in unconventional spaces and through the band’s test and true no bullshit methods, the record is here to haunt us to the core.

“Fallen Inside” depicts the falling of the mind, a collapse from inside out. Its unconventional, immersive noise-induced soundscape is both hard-hitting and emotionally wrenching. With stadium-filling volume, the track evolves as it deteriorates. The music is simply so good. “As We Row The Waves” then picks up from a moody guitar riff in the rain, passing it onto tribal/ritual-inspired percussion with angsty reverb and soaring screams that come at you from all direction. Aggressive, stormy, extreme, and powerful. The track reminds you of Kurt Cobain meets Jimi Hendrix.

“Cartel Love Affair” sparks a smoky, wicked gothic energy. In “Cant Get Enough,” a newly emerged melodic focus then takes over. “Repetitions” then enchants you with its immediate vulnerability and stunning solo. Axus Bliss is a band who are fully immersed in their own creative dimension, undeterred. Read our interview with the band where we chat about how they created the album.

Punk Head: I love how immersive Live Once Die Twice is and your blend of genres. Can you tell me more about this album?

Axus Bliss: We usually just push record. We have done this in an apartment, in a storage shed, in an office, and truly find the best take is the first. It’s just reversed in release, meaning…the 1st song on the cd is the last song recorded. Just happens to attach each song together.

PH: What is your personal favorite song from the Live Once Die Twice and why?

Axus Bliss: Holding on to ‘Under Standing Still’ as a gateway to our next single.

PH: How did your band members initially come together?

Axus Bliss: We dated each others girlfriends and they pushed us together. We dumped them since.

PH: Who are your biggest inspirations?

Axus Bliss: Rick Flair

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

Axus Bliss: Get ready, cause we’re doer, and we’re doing it better than anyone alive. It’s getting so hard for us to sit back here in this studio listening to a guy out there hollering our name, when last year we spent more money on spilt liquor in bars from one side of this world to the other, than he made. You’re talking to the Rolex wearing, Diamond ring wearing, kid stealing, wheeling dealing, limousine riding, jet flying sons of a gun. And we’re having a hard time holding these alligators down.


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