Adik Angel On the Making Of “Up So High”

What inspired you to write the music for "Up So High?"

Various sounds, various trips to the Alps, various colors, various impressions… and “Up so High” is one of my creations, which arrived very spontaneously…

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

I had this privilege and this opportunity to go to the mountains at a very great moment where the landscapes were beautiful, sun colors, alps... and play in this setting... I can't describe it in words.

What impact do you hope "Up So High" will have on your audience?

I hope that the public will also like the music of “Up So High,” because it's a little different than most of the music I've produced, it's a little «  less EDM » ... and more personal.

But also I hope to try to make my audience relive these beautiful moments at the top of the mountains... that I had the privilege of filming and producing in my new video…

Every composer has a unique style. How would you describe your musical "voice" or signature style? What sets your compositions apart?

I have various musical inspirations which often move from one genre to another, from one character to another too, and in my mind his inspirations or creations mix with various combinations.

And with above all a melody which guides everything... even if the genre is electro for example.

And this gives to my own astonishment some rather special music…

How do you approach collaborations with other musicians and maintain creative synergy?

Collaborations with other musicians often start from a Remix in featuring either one or the other, and we try to keep the soul of the piece while adding our touch...

This results in very unique and creative music.





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