RockCounsellor ‘You Don't Need to Believe It’

RockCounsellor is the musical brain child of addiction therapist Thoby Burton, in which he continues to tackle difficult issues around relationship, people, and mental health with spirited, heartfelt sonics and wisdom and truth-filled lyrics.

“You Don’t Need to Believe It” is about escapism and emotional defence. In the track, RockCounsellor dives into how people use fantasy to deal with trauma and hardship in lives. Words are few, but they’re certainly hard-hitting. “You don’t have to believe it, if it’s already true.” There’s something in his lyrics that are for everyone. “Losing Battle” then portrays the frustration of dealing a difficult person. Though in the song, RockCounsellor doesn’t offer his two-cents in the lyrics, the way he talk back to you about those frustrations are enough to inspire you to take control of the situation.

Despite the realism and brokenness that the lyrics often tackle, sonically, You Don’t Have to Believe it evokes a classic, retro feel with ear-worm riffs and dynamic, passionate soundscapes. Loud, fun, unapologetic, and heartfelt, the music is cathartic and mood-lifting. This drastic contrast makes RockCounsellor’s music really appealing. It’s highly relatable, healing, and sonically fascinating.

Speaking about music and the creation process, Burton describes that music writing is actually a self therapy, a way to make sense of his life. But through sharing these contemplative words and creative portrayals based on real life experiences, it delivers messages that many of us could resonate and benefit from.

Read our interview with Burton where we talk about the meaning behind his songs and him as an artist.

Punk Head: I like the storytelling in “You Don't Need to Believe It.” Is there a person/event that stimulated the creation of this EP?

RockCounsellor: The title track of my EP, ‘You Don't Need to Believe It’, is written about the emotional defence of relating to fantasy and not reality. We are doing this when we are in disbelief. This will keep us stuck in an avoidant position and unable to face and experience the emotions we need to, and to move forward without any emotional problems. In my work as a therapist I come across this a lot , for example when a client’s partner or spouse is unfaithful or leaves, or when someone does something that hurts them.

Track two, ‘Losing Battle’, is about dealing with difficult people. I think we’ve all been there, feeling like you can’t win. And ‘Recipe for Disaster’ is a song about the toxic and abusive relationship of two addicts, and has lots of 80s cultural references, which I always like to have fun with.

PH: What are you most proud about this EP?

RockCounsellor: I’m proud of it all, and I’m always proud that I continue to have producer and multi-instrumentalist, Richard Campbell, working with me. Without him, my songs and music wouldn’t sound half as good.

PH: What motivates you as an artist?

RockCounsellor: I’ve been writing songs since I was a kid. At first, it was just lyrics, then at 15, I started learning to play guitar to write the music. Song writing has always been my self-therapy. It’s how I make sense of my life. I can’t imagine not doing it.

PH: Who are your biggest influences?

RockCounsellor: I’ve stopped having big influences, but I grew up loving punk rock, The Doors, Roxy Music, 80s classic pop and rock, Fugazi and 90s ‘grunge’ rock, and lots in between. More contemporary things I like include: Everything Everything, Idles, BC Camplight and King Gizzard,

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

RockCounsellor: It would be too easy to simply tell you that! It’s there to be discovered in my lyrics.


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