Adik Angel “Evasions”

Nature, fantasy, and fashion comes as a flamboyant combination in sound design. Speaking from the artist, keyboardist who just opened her own sound library, “Evasions” stays truly to its name. A brain storm of sounds swirling together, weaving into stormy soundscapes, colors, moods, and connections. Stylistic, eclectic, and hypnotic, “Evasions” takes listeners on a journey, to somewhere they have never been before, and while they are fully immersed in the awe and rare scenery, the ever-changing sight proves again to be a constant surprise.

Adik Angel is a multifaceted artist who draws inspirations from a vast and diverse range of genres. Her music is as genre-blending as they are genre-bending. Staying true to her own vision as an artist and embrace each creative journey fully has been center of her music creation. The prolific Switzerland-based artist will never ceases to surprise you.

Read our interview below with the talented Adik Angel.

Punk Head: I like the soundscape in “Evasions.” Can you tell me more about the song?

Adik Angel: Thanks very much...I am very happy you like EVASIONS! Yes it’s a title that lives up its name I believe. I was profoundly inspired when I create it. And I was myself in somewhat similar state of mind ... I took my keyboard and opened my sound library, and I went on a journey ...

PH: What are you most proud about this track?

AA: The character comes out very well, and the sound too. I was particularly comfortable with the mix, and also the whole arrangement from the start.

PH: What do you aim to accomplish in the near future?

AA: I am working on new singles in slightly different genres but somehow I like to stay in this style as well, kinda old school.

PH: Did you have any songs/artists that you listened to or thought about while making the single?

AA: No, it was very spontaneous, I think. Building one sound on another inspired me, And the song came along :-)

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

AA: It’s not easy to say, but I hope to share through my music the best message I can I hope to bring them joy & inspiration. And I am so grateful, and I say: thank you to all my fans for listen to my music, And for their great support.


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