Oneo Fakind “Medicinal”

Oneo Fakind is known for their genre-smashing sound that challenge the landscape of hip hop, electronica, and ambient in a positive way. In their latest two-single EP, Ethereal 4, it seems that it’s not only music genres being fused together this time, but also an entire universe full of scenarios and experiences, in every humanly possible and impossible way. Oneo Fakind is here to tell you something different.

“You Disappear” is the quietness before storm. The uplifting ambient, electronica hip hop evokes a gentle shift in perception and color, popping little drops of happy medicines into your ears. Like clouds that shapeshift while moving foward, the track gently lifts your spirit up in its illusive soundscapes, preparing you for what’s about to come next.

“Medicinal” twists and turns in an emotive, sensitive orb that approaches turmoil, noise, glitch and distortion in an uncontrollable immersion. The track whirls between industrialism and primitivism, drawing an unlikely, ever-changing soundscape that feels overwhelming and intriguing at the same time. Beams and beats take their turn and emerge into the surface without the need to become something else.

There’s little to grab onto in the track’s rapid moodiness. In the heating up of all sounds, a brief pause is followed by a modern light that seems to transform listeners into a familiar urban surrounding. But between the edge of the world and a neon-infused sensitivity lies the truth. The line is blurry. The experience is otherworldly. When the wheels turn again, vivid lights radiate a new sense of euphoria. This time, the sky has no limits. The elevation goes beyond the known and unknown.

As everything soothes, a moment of calmness and reconnection of emotions and feelings ease in. Like the feeling of coming home. The light and nostalgia have a tearjerking effect. In a glitch, all sounds drifts away.

“Medicinal” well justifies its name. You can’t deny what Oneo Fakind did was pretty impressive. It’s wilder than most psychedelic experience, some may say, and it takes no chemical-infused pop of candy to get you there.


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