Aaron Toronto “Reaping What I Sow”

As a passionate musician and expressive artist at heart, Aaron Toronto is an imaginative storyteller. His music flows through the love of many genres and iconic influences, bringing them together in a theatrical, immersive experience. “Reaping What I Sow” is where classic rock aesthetic filters through the wonderfulness of pop with a speck of exotica in flavor.

Soaring guitar paints the sonic landscape with burning color. Haunting soprano vocal breaks through the quietness of the night sky. Toronto evokes a diversely flamboyant sonic palette in his use of sound. As if journeying through the deepest of the night where the darkest secrets being whispered into your ear and the brightest of the day where sun shines high and flowers sings, “Reaping What I Sow” creates such a wonder and thrill in its listening experience.

Toronto is a very versatile artist. Music flows through him in an euphoric, almost spiritual way. Just hear how the instruments tune into each other. The Spanish-flavored guitar riff in the beginning reminds you a little bit of The Eagles. His captivating melodies have a retro flair in it though they are unlike anything you’ve heard. A touch of drum doesn’t give everything away but the right push at the right time that hit the spot.

The combination of acoustic and electric guitar is measured in a warm and vibrant balance. At the same time, the most natural expression of a heartfelt singing voice with great passion for entertainment gives out such a uplifting and spirited experience.


Lettie and David Baron “Fairy Tale”


asteraceae “.rebirth”