Punk Head

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5 Q&A With VAZUM

What was the creative process like for this particular "Blush?"

Emily and I were working out song ideas together and “Blush” quickly came together. Emily sung the melody out of nowhere and we went from there. I worked on the guitar part a bit. Then we started playing the song live, then recorded it.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this "Blush?"

We knew what type of sound we wanted. The recording went fairly quickly. We did a lot of mixes, getting the balance right between the instruments and vocals. We spend a lot of time perfecting the mix, then a few different masters.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

We tried out some new make up and wardrobe ideas, using metallics. We also got to use our projector and projected images of flowers from our garden onto us on stage. It was pretty smooth overall.

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

We're constantly working to evolve and find new sounds.

Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you're particularly excited about?

Our album Western Violence will be out in the coming months. It's twelve songs long with “Blush” being one of them. We're going to the UK and France for some shows in April as well.


