BreakTime On the Making Of “Love And Harmony”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Love And Harmony?"

I had the chord progression and melody a few months ago. Months past, I'd written other songs such as “All That I Need” and “Tammie” from our last EP, Great Times, which was released back in December 2022. In March of this year, I was listening to artists such as Tom Petty and The Byrds as well as John Fogerty of CCR; eventually, the phrase “Love And Harmony” came into my head. Thinking it would be a neat title for my new song and finding out that it fits the melody very well, I started writing the tune. As I did, I began thinking about the Jersey Shore and the Pine Barrens of South Jersey. I then tied those two into being in a relationship with someone and hanging out down the shore.

How has the audience response been to "Love And Harmony" during live shows?

The audience response to “Love And Harmony” during our live shows has been pretty good so far. Everyone seems to enjoy the harmonies Sean contributed to the tune and appreciate the song as a whole.

What did you enjoy most about making "Love And Harmony?"

I enjoyed how it progressed when I was writing it. It was sort of experimental since some of the things we added to the song—such as the solo section and not adding a second bridge—are not what we normally do in a BreakTime song. The solo section has two elements. It starts off with some slightly sophisticated harmonies; and, it then goes into a simple yet interesting guitar lead. On the record, we also added a harpsichord and keyboard parts that play in unison with the guitar lead. All of this then leads back into another verse instead of a bridge. Once each part of the song started to come together, I began to realize how special the song was going to be upon its release. I just knew along with the rest of the band that people were going to love it!

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

I always listened to music growing up, especially with The Beatles and The Monkees. As I got older, I started listening to different styles of music such as rockabilly to jangly power pop of the 1960s. When I entered high school, I began playing guitar and haven’t stopped since. Songwriting eventually interested me. I loved the idea that you create something from nothing.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

Love is what BreakTime is all about; but, I’ve recently been playing around with different ideas in the realm of Americana—moreso places and traveling—than anything else. Hence, “Love And Harmony” has themes of sandy shores, the coast and the pines, and boardwalks.





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