Weslynn On the Making Of ‘Lights On’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'Lights On?'

Our creative approach to this album was very similar to the way we wrote in the past. It really centered around bringing individual ideas or starts to a song to the table and building off it. Nights Like Last was musically and lyrically 90% complete by Greg and Kevin when I got to put the finishing touches on it. This song jumpstarted our writing & recording, it lit a fire under us and got all of us excited to create more & more. From there Greg took the song and mixed it and we had a company called HitLab complete the master track.

What are you most proud about 'Lights On?'

This album was fully self-produced, and we got a chance to push our own skill sets and knowledge forward. We learned a lot from making this album ourselves and we are excited to continue to produce our own music going forward.

Have you noticed any particular interpretations or connections that listeners have made with 'Lights On?'

I think people are connecting with our song Nights Like Last, we seem to get a lot of positive feedback around that song in particular. I think we all have times or moments when we are so full of love and joy we wish we could go back to those times, and that’s exactly what this song is about.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

Jared (Vocals & Guitar) - I grew up listening to classic rock albums with my family and I remember just absolutely loving the Queen album. The guitars and harmonies were absolutely epic and that’s my earliest memory of music. From there it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I decided I wanted to play guitar and give singing a try. I just got the bug to perform live and started playing everywhere I could.

Are there any specific venues or festivals that you dream of performing at?

I think a lot of people would say something big like Coachella, but I would really like to travel domestically and abroad to perform in smaller more intimate venues.





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