War Gods of the Deep On the Making Of “Breaker of Worlds”

How did everything come together?

I am presuming you were referring to the music video for the single "Breaker of Worlds”… most of our video decisions or conversations revolve around not wanting to do things we've already done. Now, that's fairly easy for us as the music video hasn't been a very big focus for us historically, but since we've already done the obligatory "group of dudes playing in a non-descriptive room" standard rock band prerequisite kind of video (Life Coach 2019). We decided to go in a completely different direction and do something a little less expected with a flavor for the nostalgic.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

The entire video process was incredibly fulfilling. The video itself is so absolutely ridiculous and its premise and concept, that it made the entire process an absolute delight. The juxtaposition of a seemingly serious, epic/anthemic song like "Breaker of Worlds” being presented in an outdated, lo-fi, almost consumer quality video fashion just seemed fantastic to me. I love every single cringe worthy, cheesy, nonsensical aspect of this video.

What impact do you hope "Breaker of Worlds" will have on your audience?

I don't think music always has to have an impact. Sometimes, you just find a song you really like and you listen to it for enjoyment, or maybe even introspection. It doesn't have to change your life or adversely affect your reality in any way, shape, or form at all. Sometimes it's nice when a song does do those things, but sometimes it's just great to know you have an incredibly wonderful piece of music that you enjoy very much and whose only real purpose is to help you decorate the time in a more pleasing and enjoyable way for yourself. A song that you would go out of your way to listen to just because it makes you feel better or enhances your day.

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

I'm just a guy from the western suburbs of Chicago making music that he himself wants to listen to. I write about things I relate to, and perform them in a style of music I am incredibly fond of. There really isn't anything more complicated to it than that.

How do you continuously grow and evolve as an artist?

I don't. I have a pretty unique perspective on the type of music and art I want to create, and I stick to that perspective. I'm not interested in trends, or keeping up with the industry, or meeting any sort of ridiculous expectations set by faceless people across the globe logged into Skynet, mindlessly typing at whatever crosses their field of vision. I do what I do for me first, and everyone else second. So, I stand in one place artistically why the world moves around me, into some that might give the illusion of growth or movement, but in reality I'm just standing in one place doing the best version of what it is I think I do. Some people love it. Some people hate it. I just keep doing what I do regardless.





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