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Ultrasonic Zebras “Some Kind of Sympathy”

“Some Kind of Sympathy” introduces listeners to the unforgettable sultry sound world of Ultrasonic Zebras. Radiating vibrant colors in all shades of dark and light, rumbling in the ebb and flow of soundscapes with brutally honest lyricism striking a constant contrast. The song is inspired by challenges and darkness roaming at midst of the pandemic. Speaking out and about a toxic relationship, “Some Kind of Sympathy” feels like a cathartic scream from inside and a desperate need for resolution.

Tackling such an intense subject, it’s hard for the sonic world to be calm and cloudless. Indeed, “Some Kind of Sympathy” features the most unpredictable and thrilling soundscapes from Ultrasonic Zebras to date. It richly paints a battle, a turmoil. Like a great struggle, but not without a hint of tragedy and compassion. Perhaps, “Some Kind of Sympathy” speaks to the inevitable challenges we face in every relationship—the misunderstanding, the unrequited need and love, and the conflict.

While they tackle the very complex and personal situations with their sonics and lyrics, a series of shift in tone color and energy can be observed. It’s very fascinating how the intricate almost unintentional change in rhythm and melodies project a different stage of journey. They pull your heartstring and immerse you in an ever-evolving journey. Heartfelt, seen, and palpable.

It’s interesting that their music also makes you feel seen and understood. Like you’re not going through something alone, and they are not just dwelling on their own problems. There’s a trace of hope and connection that is subtly tucked into the sounds. Very few artists are capable or have the intention to do something musically for their listeners. To make their listeners, not only relating to the feelings on a personal level, but truly make them feel better. “Some Kind of Sympathy” is like a kind tap on the shoulder from a stranger in a moment of being vulnerable. When your world is falling apart, they are the ones who lend you a hand. Every sound and line seems to be speaking to you in a way if you open your heart to listen.

“Some Kind of Sympathy” is the third single released from their upcoming EP Surfacing. Read our interview with the band and learn more about the project.

Punk Head: I love your unique and rich blend of sound in “Some Kind of Sympathy.” What are you most proud of about this release?

Ultrasonic Zebras: Sympathy was somewhat inspired in the darkness of the Pandemic. The high and low points in the song reflect that, as well as desperation with resolution.

PH: Within a few months, you guys have garnered an impressive momentum across platforms. This is quite an accomplishment as an indie band. What is your secret of success?

Ultrasonic Zebras: I think building a fan base and connecting with people is important. We want the audience to feel something. The songs aren't meant to be passive - they are meant to spark thought and hopefully inspiration in some cases.

PH: What is your personal favorite song from the Surfacing and why?

Ultrasonic Zebras: My personal favorite song from Surfacing is probably “She Said.” I love how the positive story builds somewhat unexpectedly. I think the song is about a culmination of real people and it makes it more accessible to people emotionally. Of course we leave the songs up to the listener in terms of how they relate to them and what they mean.

PH: What is your creative vision?

Ultrasonic Zebras: Our creative vision for Surfacing has been to share a big slice of humanity, We have always believed that songs should feel like something you can grab on to through the use of variety, harmony and melody paint moving picture of life. We want our songs to be real. Songs that don't limit the interpretation in the listeners experience. Our wish is that it leaves listeners full of hope, happiness and resilience.

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

Ultrasonic Zebras: The song-writing team that is the core of the band are life-long fans of an absolutely staggering variety of music. Now to play music and present these personal sketches of the world to fans is fulfilment of a life-long dream. Never give up on your dreams!

also...our final instalment in the EP is a song called “Side of the Road.” A slower song rife with harmony and the creation of vivid imagery. It completes the story with the resolution that life throws us a lot of curves in the road, but we are not alone. There is always a solid connection with others.