Punk Head

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Tom Elliot On the Making Of “Holy Ghost”

How did everything come together?

I wrote “Holy Ghost” years ago, trapped in my flat during the pandemic. I then spent the next few years trying to decide what to do with it, lyrically it's one of my favourites I've written so I knew I didn't want it collecting dust. I randomly had the urge to start a solo project last year and this was the first song I was sure would be a part of it.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for this single?

Not really! Lyrically everything came together faster than any other song I've written. musically I think everything was in place from the get go, I knew exactly what I wanted the song to be. The lead guitar was probably the most challenging aspect, I always struggle writing lead lines that fit into a song properly so I ended up with a quite subdued lead melody and let the rhythm section drive it mostly.

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for this song to life?

I produced, mixed and mastered this song from my flat in Salford. I didn't really have any help aside from getting opinions and tips from a couple of trusted friends. A large part of why I started this solo project was to improve my skills on this side of the recording process.

Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?

I've been playing guitar for as long as I can remember, and I've always enjoyed writing songs (though I think anything from before a few years ago was mostly crap). Having played in bands for most of my teens and early twenties I wanted to try to write and record something on my own! I've never really considered myself much of a vocalist or frontman (or drummer or bassist) so the thought of going it mostly alone can be daunting but hopefully I'll be able to play live sometime this year.

Are there any future plans or projects related to this song that you're excited about?

There are! I'm not quite ready to announce the full details yet but my Debut EP is coming this summer! And of course, keep an eye out on my socials for future releases and live shows.

