Sporty-O On the Making Of “Tequila Rage Face”

What was the creative process like for this particular track?

Sporty-O originally recorded the vocals for this song over music that he and longtime collaborator Keith Mackenzie produced togther. After feeling that the song needed something else, Keith decided to reach out to a rising Spanish producer Bowser. After sending Bowser the vocals, Bowser and Rhades began working on entirely new music with vocals. Vocals and new music matched great and the song was born.

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for "Tequila Rage Face" to life?

Sporty-O recorded the vocals originally in Atlanta and Bowser & Rhades worked on the production in Southern Spain where Sporty-O has had a very strong fanbase for over a decade after his song with Baymont Bros "Handz Sky Up" topped the music charts in southern Spain.

What do you like the best about "Tequila Rage Face?"

The phrase "Tequila Rage Face" has become very popular amongst Sporty-O's fanbase. It is a slogan and hashtag that has been popularized by Sporty-O for several years and it is also the name of his record label. It means "the face a person makes after they take a shot of tequila."

How do you engage with your audience during your live performances to create a memorable experience for them?

Finding those fans that are locked into the music and dancing like no one is watching. Those are the fans that I directly engage with, whether it's getting them to sing along, bringing them on stage or throwing our a t-shirt or promotional item to them. I love the fans and it is exciting to watch the songs I have made inspire people to dance and let their problems go.

Can you share a project that holds particular significance to you? What made it memorable, and what challenges did you overcome?

My single "Can't Hide" with Keith Mackenzie. It was released back in May of 2023. It was my first song released after a five year hiatus from releasing music to focus on my family and it was very important to me to find my groove again for the fans and the people. Music evolves so quickly and no artist wants to be left behind and forgotten. "Can't Hide" has been extremely succesful and well received by the people and the EDM community which has allowed me to get back on the road to tour.





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