giant fella “Only the Dead”
“Only the dead have seen the end of war” an unknown quote once popular among American soldiers has been on giant fella’s mind for weeks since the day Russia invaded Ukraine. After hours of watching little credible news on television, the artist wrote down his first single, contemplating conflict and war while advocating for peace.
“Only the Dead” takes on a classic acoustic rock style, recalling acts in the 60s like Bob Dylan and The Beatles. Soul-reaching lyrics paired with captivating melodies, the soft harmonies, and steady percussion establish the honesty of the soul, while acoustic guitar strumming is the sonic background on top of the fire, bomb, creams, and death in war.
The simple form seems to be the perfect remedy for a strong calling of the heart. Giant fella evokes the question marks for the meaning of wars — mankind’s endless conflict between one another that swallows thousands of innocent lives in the process. It’s meaningless, cruel, and inhuman, yet we fail to go beyond it as history repeats itself.
Through “Only the Dead,” giant fella connects to listeners on a human level with an honest and aching heart, calling on humanity, love, and understanding within every one of us. “This has to stop now,” wrote the artist. As a believer in the power of music, for the first time in 50 years, he’s claiming his talent as a musician with the mission to challenge thoughts and win hearts.