Punk Head

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Review: Igor “Alone” Is A Punk-Infused Love Anthem

Alone” is punching its way out of toxic relationships with angst-filled percussion and emotionally wrenching vocals. In a smash of progressive rock, rainy-day heartbreak and edgy pop punk, Ukrainian-born, Russian-raised and American-neutered artist, Igor, paints the level of stress and loneliness a person faces trapped in a dysfunctional relationship — when someone is not seen or appreciated for who they are. And loneliness is worse than being alone.

The song itself is a mirror that authentically reflect real-life situations. “I am always wrong and you’re so always on time” talks about being the one who’s always “the problem” in a relationship, while “I fear your wisdom, I fear that you’ll walk away/‘cause you know the best ways to complete me while I keep singing the same old song” talks about how relationships like this keep you trapped by inducing fear and insecurity. Igor’s lyrics are as straightforward as they can be, but they have a way of getting under your skin — they are so relatable and true that you can’t help but feel the desperation, fear and lacking that the narrator feels.

“Alone” really hits hard. It’s angsty and raw. It doesn’t whine or sob, but you feel heartbroken. The emotions in this song are almost palpable. And the song serves a purpose — it’s being narrated in a provocative way for a reason, but Igor isn’t here to lecture anyone. He’s here to make you think. He’s here to make you feel. “Alone” gives listeners a way into the inner world of someone. Listeners are granted access to the narrator’s rage and loneliness, and it offers them the perspective to see the truth on both personal and grand levels and an opportunity to be enraged by it. A voice that says, “fuck this.” And that’s the punk rock in Igor.

There’s an obvious Avril Lavigne type of rebellion going on in the sonics. At the same time, the song has a thrilling pop rock appeal that feels young, nostalgic and universally loving. Igor quotes My Chemical Romance, The Mars Volta and Evanescence as inspirations for his music. “I’ll be better off alone” says it all. Instead of being trapped, Igor reminds listeners that they have the power to walk away (they should) and that they don’t have to be around with someone who puts them down and make them feel less. “I tried to find the one and only feeling old and lonely” serves as the truth and a wakeup call.

Love yourself and respect yourself. Free yourself from situations that don’t serve you. That’s the core message of “Alone,” and a central theme in Igor’s music. It all comes down to the strength a person has within themselves. To see the inner light and nourish it. Everyone deserves someone who makes them feel appreciated and loved just the way they are. “Alone” is about the red signs that people tend to miss. It’s about facing the fear of not being in a relationship. An anthem about self love.


