Punk Head

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Red Mountain Revolt Releases ‘Like a Loaded Gun’

Can you briefly describe what the song/each song is about?

The thought behind the album was a look into how people deal with broken / unhealthy relationships and how much of an affect they could take on someone. For example in the Song "Fall Through" , its about the acceptance of inviting toxicity into your life and no matter how much you try to avoid inviting it in and the reason why it always come back is due to the person not knowing any other way of living accept with it there. On the song "Don't Mind me" its about how after a fallen love relationship, some people tend to think more emotionally rather then with their brain and will go on rampages with other partners and go on to ruin their life and others whether with that intent or not. While majority of our album discussed the whole relationship topic, we did have fun on other songs like "Brain storm" where its about a fictional bank heist that switches the perspective been a normal citizen living their normal life going to the bank and then the robber who is eager to earn his big score.

Were there any notable or amusing happenings surrounding the recording/production of the EP?

During one of the recording sessions, we were taking a break and doing some light mixing on the tracks we just got done recording. Once we were happy with it and right before we were gonna save it, the power cut out of the house we got so scared and furious because we thought we just lost like 3 hours of recording. However, when the power did come back on, the music and our mixing was auto saved and we were very relieved.

Where was the single/EP/album recorded and who was involved in its production?

Most of the recording of the album took place in the basement of Christians house. Drums/Bass/Vocals were all down stairs while the guitar would be recored in a sound proof box upstairs since that's where all Christians different amp rigs were. However once everything was recorded, we moved the computer over to Kyles house where he spent the whole summer mixing and mastering the album using Logic Pro.

Who are the band members and what do they play?

Kyle Merritts - Bassist / Keyboard / Lead and backing vocals Christian Nevi - Guitarist / Drummer / Lead and backing vocals

How and where did you get together?

We grew up in the same town and lived down the road from each other. We both took an interest into music at a young age and picked up our instruments around the ages of 14. Kyle was classically trained, being that he already played saxophone prior and decided to take up the bass guitar while dabbling with the piano/keyboard. Christian on the other hand was self taught, taking up the guitar/drums while spending most of his free time practicing. We both wouldn't start doing anything musically/band related with each other until late high school since we both went to different high schools and couldn't drive to meet up. After high school and ditching out previous bands, we both decided to experiment with different song ideas we both had and those ideas would subsequently lead to our first singles. After the minor success of those singles and praise from local friends and strangers, we began to come up with an album idea that expanded upon the singles and the rest of the musical ideas we still had. Which in the end, gave way to the release of ‘Like a Loaded Gun.’


