Noella Rain On the Making Of “Figure Skates”

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

Well I initially wrote the song when I was home from winter break two years ago, processing a heart break of sorts. It was a very chilly melancholy winter day. I just sat at the piano and immediately this imagery of figure skating came to mind and the song just like flowed out quite quickly from there. Months later I brought it to my long time producer Jeff Gruber at Blue House Productions. I love the ways he helped me creatively enhance the arrangement and tell the story of the song.

Were there any challenges or obstacles you faced while creating "Figure Skates?"

I wouldn't say I had any obstacles writing the song or really with recording or even production by my producer Jeff. But internally I did feel hesitant to release the song itself as it comes from a very vulnerable, kinda desperate place. The song is certainly dramatized to an extent and I don't recommend anyone ever crushing ice with their figure skates to see if someone truly loves and will come save them. Although I decided on releasing it because I feel it does a good job of telling a vivid story of unreciprocated love. I think the dramatism is relatable to some hopeless romantics like myself who have done some crazy things they probably regret for the sake of love.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this song?

I remember this special moment when my vision for the song clicked with my producer. And he was kinda just like oh I got this and started playing this beautiful cascading melody on the MIDI keyboard next to me. He encouraged me a lot with this song and I don't think it would have ever been released without collaborating with him so closely.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

It's hard to pin point exactly what it was but I can say from the earliest moments I can remember I have loved music. I have a lot of musical folks in my family although none of them have pursued it professionally they've all certainly inspired and been so supportive of me, which is a huge blessing. I started taking music more seriously when I went through something traumatic in middle school and I started writing lots of songs. Songwriting helped me cope, process, and feel things I didn't know how to let myself feel otherwise. Somehow it also just came very naturally to me and in general has continued to. When I started to share my original music more online and people were really resonating with it that’s when I started to have the motivation and confidence to maybe pursue it as a career.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Most of my songs are all inspired directly by my life experiences. I am a very spontaneous songwriter as well so usually if I'm feeling something strongly I don't know how to deal with inside I find the nearest instrument and a song comes flowing out. Musically in general my biggest inspiration is Carole King, I gravitate towards a lot of older musical instrumental fluences. With "Figure Skates" I did write down a point of reference I brought into my notes in the studio of Renee Rap's "Snow Angel", elements of that song definitely did inspire the arrangement specifically of "Figure Skates".





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