Feature: Nick Amling & The Lifeline Decodes ‘Roll The Dice’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'Roll The Dice?'

This project developed while Nick was living in Nashville, TN, and Andy was living in Boston, MA. We were writing together through facetime, voice memos, and messages until we were finally able to get together to record the EP in Nashville, TN, at Blackbird Studios.

Which song do you like the best and why?

We think that either “Give Me Nothing” or “Midnight Emotion” are our favorites. For “Give Me Nothing,” it’s all about the attitude and raw energy that gets us so inspired. On the other hand, Midnight has the most interesting story in terms of writing and recording, which makes that raw and emotional piece really special to us.

How does 'Roll The Dice' fit into your overall artistic vision?

We believe that this EP gave us a really good starting point on how we want to move forward artistically as a band. For this project, we were drawing inspiration from the greats like Led Zeppelin and Nirvana, wanting to achieve a proper rock n roll sounding record, like the ones we grew up on. Going forward, we’d really like to explore sonically and see what different things we can achieve together.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

I often find inspiration for lyrics when taking walks in nature and when I’m really in tune with my emotions. Actually, most of the EP lyrics were written at Centennial Park in Nashville, TN, a place that I find is overflowing with concepts to write about. For our musical ideas, listening to artists we really love and playing around with different sonic concepts is really inspiring to us.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a band, and how did you overcome them?

By far the biggest challenge we’ve faced is trying to write and stay connected from different locations of the country. Video Chats and swapping voice memos are what really help us grow as a band living so far apart from each other.


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