Punk Head

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Mr.Wizard On the Making Of “Boulders”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Boulders?"

The main riff of this song is actually something I had written on bass a few years ago but it never evolved past that, so it was actually really cool to rediscover it and move it over to guitar and then build a song around it. Lyrically and stylistically, I had been going through a rough time and this idea of everyone pushing through the problems and to keep “rolling that boulder” was very comforting to me.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this song?

There are always a lot of happy accidents when you’re recording. For this song, I think the whole outro part really came together while recording and I think it really elevated the song to the next level.

What do you like the best about "Boulders?"

It’s the first song of mine that my wife seemed to actually enjoy haha… but also lyrically it’s one of my favorites.

How did your band members initially come together?

Well, this was very much a solo project for me over the last few years. And the songs that are released now are the last from that era. After a few years of going alone, I started receiving some attention and put together a live band of some of my very talented musician friends towards the end of last year. Things went so well that we’re writing the new Mr.Wizard music together now and an actual band.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

I try to make a point not to back myself into any corners and just write about things I’m feeling passionate about at the time. I feel like as long as you’re being authentic you don’t need to try and push any kind of agenda.

